Will Vs. Hobo Light Tent and Paint Stand

First DIY project to kick-off this new blog! What do you do when you're really broke and have an expensive hobby? Why hobo-fix it of course. So last Saturday after my trip to various places, I immediately got on working on these two projects.

First is the light tent. I'll be honest, being a street preacher for hire is not a good business. This is why I turned to internet related jobs. Now I can eat breakfast! So a regular light tent could set you back around 66 bucks. Or 2800 pesetas in this current exchange. The solution is to make one cheap. This video should give you a good idea on how to make a DIY light tent.\
 How do you like that? I did mine with less giggling and stuff. Let me just give you a breakdown on the materials and cost then:

Hobo-light tent materials

  • Cardboard box: 5 pesos (11 cents)  from neighborhood store. They don't give it to you for free dude
  • One pack tracing paper: 35 pesos (81 cents) You won't be using all of them.
  • White Cartolina: 10.5 pesos (24 cents) You have enough for two per sheet. So you'll be using only half.
  • Masking tape: I've got one lying around.
  • Scotch tape: 11.5 pesos (27 cents)
  • Exacto knife: I have a lot of sharp things lying around.

Grand total: 62 pesos (1.44 bucks) I WIN!

Wait. That's not all! I made the paint stand right? I just cut and stuck together the leftover cardboard because they're corrugated. You know how much one would have to spend buying a Paint Station or Paint Base? Painting Station 278 Pesos (6.23 bucks). Paint Base 210 Pesos (4.89 bucks). So I'm guessing nobody made a video on how to make it? Just use some white glue on it.

Hobo-Paint Stand Materials:

  • Leftover cardboard: Oh wait. We got them from the last project.
  • White Glue: I guess you could use boogers but I'm sure health services will have a talk with you.
  • A Marker: To mark stuff. Like your properties. Also so that they would not think it's trash and throw it away. Some people, really!
  • Sticks: Cut up the runners from your models! I guess you could buy those clippy sticks but I don't know where to buy those.
If you're a hobbyist like me that puts together scale model then this is a good project for half a day you could make. Be sure to mark them though! People should stop throwing away my stuff!


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